Tag Archive for: free childcare

The Incredible Power of Reading With Children Under 5

The Incredible Power of Reading With Children Under 5

In study after study, reading with under-fives has been shown to transform their early years education, with benefits that extend from early childhood right into adulthood.Parents and caregivers have a simple yet incredibly powerful tool at their disposal to significantly boost the education of children under five: reading with them. In study after study, this simple activity has been shown to transform a child’s early years of education, giving children short-, medium-, and long-term benefits that even extend into adulthood. With that in mind, we take a look today at the many benefits and incredible power of reading with children, especially those under five.

Read with children, not just to them for the most positive impact.

That’s important as the most profound benefits to children come about when you read with them rather than just to them. It’s a case of involving and immersing them in the reading, which can be done in a variety of different ways to make it more interactive. We’ll explain more about how parents can do that later in this article*. First, though, let’s take a look at the benefits of reading with under-fives.

What Are Some of the Benefits of Reading With Your Child?

It turns out that reading with little ones punches well above its weight when it comes to enhancing young lives. In a nutshell, some of the key benefits of reading with children include significantly improved cognitive, emotional, and social development. Indeed, some of the benefits of reading with children are simply transformational. Even social mobility is improved because of reading with children in some circumstances. Let’s take a closer look.

Cognitive Benefits

Reading with children positively impacts academic performance throughout all the school years and beyond.When you read to them, the cognitive benefits to children are profound and this is backed-up by findings from multiple studies. The benefits include improved memory, problem-solving, logical thinking, and memory skills. Even children’s attention spans are seen to improve when parents regularly read with them.

A Long-Term Academic Performance Boost

What’s more, many of these benefits are long-term ones and this means they positively impact children’s academic performance throughout all the school years and even beyond. This results in better grades, a wider choice of further education choices later on, and even career and income advantages once they become adults. That’s all accomplished simply through the act of reading with children in their early years — it’s incredible!

Reading with children in their early years encourages good reading habits and a natural love for learning.

A Social Mobility Boost

You can see why the above benefits can go on to improve the quality of lives once children reach adulthood. Indeed, studies have produced some remarkable findings in that regard. Several have found a strong link between children regularly reading with adults in the early years and improved socio-economic mobility later in life. This boost is even more prominent in children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. So, reading with children is a great way to level the playing field and improve outcomes right into adulthood.

Emotional Benefits

Books are great vehicles through which children can glimpse and immerse themselves into different situations. For example, through reading books, they’ll learn about different characters, their successes and perhaps their struggles. As such, they’ll learn to see things from the point of view of others. This is a great way to nurture emotional intelligence in children, boost feelings of empathy, and better understand the feelings of others. This will be particularly important for their interactions with peers, friends and surrounding adults.

Supercharged Creativity

Books are a wonderful conduit to greater creativity in children. When adults read with young children and older children read solo, it opens up whole new worlds, situations, and characters to them. Through stimulation of their imaginations, they can see new possibilities, be inspired to create in different ways within their own writing and arts, and significantly boost creative skills.

Enhanced Language Skills

One of the biggest winners when reading with children is the boost to their language skills.One of the biggest winners when reading with children is the boost to their language skills. Indeed, a 4-decade study () saw a massive 20% boost in such skills when adults regularly read with them. For the children studied, the average age was just 3 years and 3 months, meaning their language skills were boosted by the equivalent of about 8 months. That’s an enormous boost at such a young age. Receptive language (understanding), expressive language (verbal use of grammar and vocabulary), children’s understanding of word structure, and pre-reading skills especially benefited from early years reading with a parent or adult caregiver. Such skills lay wonderful foundations that will help children excel across multiple areas of education.

And Much More

The benefits outlined above are really just the tip of the iceberg. As well as these, additional benefits include allowing a closer bond to develop between the parent/caregiver and the child, greater comprehension of the world, a wider knowledge of multiple subjects, better self-expression, and social skills that are enhanced because of children’s improved vocabulary, understanding, and knowledge.

* How to Involve Under-5s When Reading

The best results from reading with children will come when you make it interactive, engaging and fun to ensure they are involved.If children are to get the most from reading, it’s important to read with them. That’s all about making it interactive, engaging and fun to ensure children are involved. There are a number of ways to accomplish this and doing so will be the key to them gaining the most benefit from the activity.

  • Bring the storyline to life by being animated when you read to under-fives. Gesticulate, speed up or slow down your reading to reflect what’s going on in the text and to give life to the story. Give characters different voices, and try accents and different tones to really bring characters and storylines to life. Use different volumes as appropriate to the story unfolding, whisper to give tension, shout when a character shouts, and make the story seem as real as possible. This will make the reading on your part, and the story from the child’s point of view, more fun. It’ll draw and retain children’s interest and engagement, so they immerse themselves and really listen.
  • Encourage your child’s interaction. Let them exclaim or answer characters, and ask them what they think may happen next, or what they might have done in that situation.
  • Whether the book is fiction or non-fiction, encourage questions; it’s a great way for children to learn.

By making reading more engaging, it will help improve comprehension, boost critical thinking skills, and stimulate children’s creativity.

As you can see, the benefits of reading with children in their early years are truly profound. Through reading, children are learning constantly, improving themselves in multiple areas, and setting amazing foundations for present and future success.

High-Quality Childcare & Early Years Education in Padiham

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End. At Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham, Lancashire, we fully understand the importance of reading with children. It’s therefore one of the many tools used in the early years education of children under our care. At Little Acorns, we tailor the learning and development of every child to bring out the best in them across all areas of the curriculum. If you are a parent looking for a Padiham nursery for your child or a childcare nursery near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham or Wood End, consider Little Acorns Nursery for your little one. To explore the possibilities, get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer questions, show you and your child around, or explain the next steps towards registering for a place.

Get Ready for Pyjamarama 2024

Get Ready for Pyjamarama 2024

Get ready for Pyjamarama 2024. This year it arrives on Friday 17th of May in nurseries, preschools, schools and homes all around the Nation. That date is not carved in stone, though, as some settings may find an alternative date more convenient for their particular circumstances.

What is Pyjamarama?

Pyjamarama is a one-day fundraising event that's organised through the children's reading charity BookTrust.Pyjamarama is a one-day fundraising event that’s organised through the children’s reading charity BookTrust. It takes place each year across a variety of UK settings including homes, schools, preschools, nurseries and more. As well as being great fun for those organising and taking part, the initiative is beneficial to millions of disadvantaged children. The ultimate aim is to raise money to fund the purchase of books and resources, so that every child in the UK gets the chance for bedtime stories and each family has proper reading opportunities. The initiative is hugely popular, great fun, and transforms lives. Today, we take a look at what to expect, how to get involved, and the many benefits of Pyjamarama.

“Spend a day in your pyjamas to raise money for BookTrust and be part of something amazing.”

How Does Pyjamarama Work?

Settings like Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham first register with the Pyjamarama fundraising scheme, well ahead of the event date. In return, they receive a free downloadable fundraising pack. This contains information and activity resources that they’ll be able to use with the nursery children on Pyjamarama day as well as things like posters to publicise the event. Access to BookTrust’s Pyjamarama Hub will also be given. This allows access to additional resources and activity ideas for children to take part in.

On the day itself, the idea is for children and staff to come to the nursery/preschool dressed in pyjamas to add an extra element of fun. Having said that, PJs are not obligatory — children can wear something else if they prefer, for example colourful T-shirts. Either way, we ask that each child brings £1 with them. This will be donated to the BookTrust charity to raise money for disadvantaged children, who might otherwise not have access to bedtime stories. The ensuing day will be relaxed and fun, with time spent together reading and sharing stories, watching specially-recorded videos from children’s favourite authors and taking part in a whole host of other fun, reading- and story-related activities.

At the end of the day, children who took part in Pyjamarama will receive certificates to take home. All money raised by the children and setting will subsequently be sent off to the fundraising team at BookTrust.

Pyjamarama is Fun, Educational & Worthwhile

Pyjamarama raises funds to give disadvantaged children and their families opportunities for reading and bedtime stories.Pyjamarama is always a fun day for both adults and children. The added aspect of pyjamas makes it special, quirky and relaxed. And, at the end of the day, it’s incredibly worthwhile. Not only does it raise money to give disadvantaged children and their families opportunities for reading and bedtime stories, but it also encourages those children taking part in Pyjamarama to read more, for pleasure as much as anything. Additionally, it gives children a different perspective and encourages altruism and empathy for others less fortunate than themselves.

“Raise vital funds to help every child get a bedtime story.”

How Pyjamarama Helps Disadvantaged Children

Every £1 helps. So, children and parents — please get involved. Here’s how fundraising can typically help:

  • £25 is enough to provide 15 under-fives from deprived communities with books and reading resources.
  • £50 is enough to provide an entire class of primary school children with a selection of books to share and read at home.
  • £100 would allow the BookTrust charity to help teenagers in a struggling secondary school reconnect with reading.

How Can You Get Involved?

“Through Pyjamarama we want to help support the children who are at risk of missing out on the joy and confidence that bedtime stories provide.”

If you haven’t already seen them, look out for posters and a letter to parents highlighting the date for Pyjamarama at your child’s setting this year. On the day, please ensure your child goes to nursery/preschool or school with £1 and is ideally dressed in PJs although, as we said before, it’s not obligatory — but is a lot of fun when everyone joins in.

More details and a FAQ about getting involved in Pyjamarama as a setting or individual can be found here.

“Naomi has seen how reading takes her into imaginary worlds and helps her deal with everyday worries and is amazed how it is also helping her to do well in all subjects at school.”

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool, Padiham

High-Quality Weekday Childcare in Padiham, Lancashire

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

Babies and under-fives get the very best start at Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham. As well as offering a convenient childcare service in a loving and homely environment, children also receive a comprehensive early years education at Little Acorns. We also support all Government-funded free childcare schemes including free childcare hours for eligible 2-year-olds and free childcare hours for eligible 3 and 4-year-olds. Contact us if you’d like to register your child for a childcare place. Or, if you’re not yet sure, why not arrange a guided tour? We can show you and your little one around to see how well they fit in. We’re also here to answer any questions. Please choose a button to get started:

Apply for a Place Book a Tour Message Us 01282 680 822

Little Acorns is a nursery and preschool in Padiham, (BB12), also being conveniently close by for those in Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham, and Wood End.

BookTrust is a Registered Charity, number 313343.

World's Biggest Garden Wildlife Survey – & Children Can Play Their Part

The World's Biggest Garden Wildlife Survey – & Children Can Play Their Part

The Big Garden Birdwatch is organised by the RSPB each year.Children, adults, and whole families are gearing up to take part in the world’s biggest garden wildlife survey in early 2024. Organised by the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), the Big Garden Birdwatch requires just one hour of your time during late January 2024. It’s free, hugely worthwhile, and will benefit nature, conservation, and children themselves. So, why not set a date for your diary and take part? Today’s post explains how to enrol, what to do, and how it will benefit all parties involved.

Why The Big Garden Birdwatch is So Important

Song thrushes have declined by 80% since the survey began.The Big Garden Birdwatch is designed to keep tabs on wild bird populations in the UK. It’s a survey that’s been undertaken across the UK every year since 1979 and allows the RSPB and conservationists to monitor whether any bird species are under threat. Sadly, survey findings in recent years have found this to be the case, with overall bird populations having declined by a staggering 38 million in the last 60 years. Song thrushes alone, for example, have declined by 80% and even the UK’s most populous bird species, House Sparrows, have declined by 57% since the survey began.

By continuing with the survey each year, insights will be gained as to whether populations are growing or shrinking over time. Only by watching such trends can conservationists decide what needs to be done to help reverse any decline and help birds thrive once again. Declines in bird populations may even be an indicator of wider problems within nature, for example, because of chemical use in crop farming or even  inappropriate Government environmental policy. So, this is important and every one of us can easily play our part.

More Reasons for Families & Children to Take Part

This activity is a great way to get children outdoors, close to nature, and to introduce them to the concept of nature conservation.The Big Garden Birdwatch is also a great way to get children outdoors, close to nature, and to introduce them to the concept of nature conservation. By taking part, children can contribute to bird conservation as well as directly benefit in a number of ways themselves. For example, they can learn to identify different types of birds, educate themselves about these wild creatures and the natural environment, enjoy the fresh air while escaping from electronic screens, and enjoy all the many benefits that nature holds for children. Nature and the Great Outdoors are hugely beneficial to children, whether physically, spiritually, cognitively, educationally, or simply in terms of improving overall well-being. Nature benefits children in an incredible number of ways — follow the bold link for more details.

How to Enrol in the Big Garden Birdwatch 2024

Once enrolled, you'll then be sent a free guide with visual reference of the birds to look out for during your survey.Enrolling your child or family into 2024’s Big Garden Birdwatch is easy and free. Simply register here and you’ll then be sent a free guide including visual reference of the birds you may see during your survey. Whether you receive a digital guide or a printed one will depend on your preferences selected when signing up. The guide will tell you/your child exactly what to do, but we also give you a brief flavour below.

How to Take Part in the Big Garden Birdwatch Survey

In brief, here’s what you, your child, or your family will need to do sometime during the period starting on Friday the 26th of January 2024 and ending on Sunday the 28th:

  1. Keep a tally of the maximum number of birds of each species that have actually landed at any one time on your survey patch.Decide on a natural spot where you’ll undertake your hour’s birdwatch. Your garden, local park or even a balcony will do fine.
  2. Taking care to stay unseen and unheard by visiting birds, keep a tally of the maximum number of birds of each species that have actually landed at any one time on your survey patch during the hour. Don’t count any that haven’t landed.
  3. Between the 26th of January and no later than the 18th of February 2024, you can report your findings online at www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch
    Alternatively, if you are using the physical survey form from the RSPB’s printed guide, post it to FREEPOST RSPB BIG GARDEN BIRDWATCH by the 13th of February 2024.

By contributing to this crucial conservation project, children will be doing their bit for our little feathered friends – and the planet. What’s more, it’s great fun!

Learn more about how to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch survey here.

If your children enjoy the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, encourage them to download our free poster that identifies 40 different species.Enjoying Birdwatching?

If you find that your children enjoy the activity, please encourage them to download our own Bird Identifier poster, which features 40 British birds that they can look out for during the year. It’s free and more information about our free bird poster is available here.

Nature & Children Go Hand-in-Hand at Little Acorns Nursery, Padiham

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End. We love nature at Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham! Here, children can play outdoors in our wonderful garden, which features its own wild area, planting area and even a mud kitchen. We know how good nature and the outdoors are for children, particularly in their early years, so actively encourage them to take part and benefit from everything they offer.

To enrol your baby, toddler or preschooler at Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham, please get in touch using an option below. We look forward to receiving your call, nursery application, message or tour request whenever you’re ready.

We are a high-quality nursery and preschool in Padiham, Lancashire, BB12. As such, we may also suit families who require outstanding childcare services near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End. We support various free childcare schemes too, making childcare services more affordable for eligible families.

Let's Go on an Autumn Nature Hunt – a Fun Outdoor Activity for Children!

Our autumn nature hunt is a fun, educational activity for children that also comes with a free reference sheet.As leaves start to blanket the ground and the earthy scents of autumn begin to infuse the air, it’s the perfect time to engage children in a captivating adventure that celebrates the season. In today’s post, we’ll introduce you to an Autumn Nature Hunt, an exciting outdoor activity for children that’s not only entertaining but also educational.

Explore the Beauty of Autumn with a Nature Scavenger Hunt

The autumn season offers a unique opportunity to immerse children in the wonders of nature. The changing colours of leaves, the falling acorns, and the crisp air make it an ideal time for outdoor exploration. This nature-based treasure hunt is designed to get children of all ages outdoors, closer to nature, where they can enjoy the many benefits that outdoor play and exposure to the natural world provide.

Download Your Free Reference Sheet

To make this autumn-themed nature hunt even more enjoyable, we’ve created a reference sheet that children can use to check off the items they find. This sheet should keep them engaged and help them learn about the beauty of the season. N.B. supervising adults will need to decide whether children should simply spot the items or collect them. Factors including hygiene, safety considerations and the child’s age and abilities should inform their decision.

Download this free reference sheet for the autumn-themed nature hunt. (Click to save/download).

What You’ll Need

Before the commencement of this adventure, ensure your child has the following:

  1. Our free reference sheet. We’ve prepared a free reference sheet that features images of various natural items children can look for during their outdoor excursion. The A4 sheet includes leaves of specific colours, catkins, wild hazelnuts, pine cones, acorns, oak leaves, pine needles, ‘winged’ seeds, horse chestnuts, sweet chestnuts, pumpkins, cereal crops, sunflowers that are now turning to seed, and even some fruit that may be found at this time of year. It’s available below, for free, in Acrobat PDF format and you can download and print it for your convenience.
  2. Adult supervision in place. Ensure that adult supervision is available, especially for the youngest children. Safety is a priority, so be certain to keep the kids out of harm’s way while they explore.
  3. Safety precautions. Teach the children about safety precautions. For example, emphasise the importance of not running off out of sight, avoiding poisonous items like fungi, not touching berries, keeping all items away from mouths, and being cautious around things like chestnut cases, which have sharp points.
  4. Good hygiene. Encourage the little explorers to exercise good hygiene practices and wash their hands thoroughly after the adventure.

The Autumn Nature Hunt is a fantastic way to connect children with the wonders of nature, encourage outdoor play, and create lasting memories. So, download the reference sheet, gather your young explorers, and set out on a journey through the enchanting autumn landscape. Remember to emphasise safety, ensure adult supervision, and cherish the opportunity to immerse your kids in the beauty of the season. Enjoy your autumn adventure!

Little Acorns Nursery, Padiham, Lancashire

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

We understand the incredible importance of nature and outdoor play to children; they bring enormous benefits to children of all ages. So many, in fact, that we’ll publish separate guides on those benefits in the near future. So, watch this space.

Little Acorns is a high-quality childcare nursery in Padiham, Lancashire, offering the very best childcare and early education to babies, toddlers and preschoolers. As well as giving little ones the very best start in life and ensuring they are as ‘school-ready’ as possible by the time they leave us, we help them to become the very best version of themselves. Part of this is achieved through a learning and development programme that’s tailored to them as individuals. In this way, they achieve personal bests across all areas of their development.

If you would like to explore the possibility of sending your baby, toddler or preschooler to Little Acorns Nursery, please get in touch using one of the following options:

Little Acorns is a nursery and preschool located in Padiham, Lancashire (BB12), also convenient for families seeking high-quality childcare near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham or Wood End.

Minibeast Spotting Activity for Kids (with Free Poster!)

Today’s Minibeast Spotting activity completes a trio of nature-based posts that each include a free poster. Featuring 30 different minibeasts for children to find and identify, it’s designed to encourage children to get outdoors, learn about the different creatures nearby, explore, and benefit from everything that nature has to offer. With previous free posters covering bird spotting and butterfly spotting activities, these nature-themed activities will give children a really good insight into some of the interesting and exciting creatures they can see in their gardens and neighbourhoods if they simply take some time to look.

Children Love Minibeasts!

Children will love spotting minibeasts, discovering different creatures and learning to name each of them. They will soon learn that creatures like ladybirds, hoverflies, caterpillars, butterflies and bees are simply adorable. Children are also likely to be fascinated by creatures like ants, which are incredibly clever and well-organised, and minibeasts like beetles, millipedes and worms. Such creatures are so different to humans and gently observing them can bring real insights to children about our natural world from the viewpoint of different creatures. Indeed, nature is a huge educator and holds immense benefits to children. We’ll write a separate, more detailed, post about those benefits in the future. Suffice it to say, though, that nature-based activities will help children emotionally, spiritually and physically as well as help them learn new facts, information and skills. Without further delay, let’s now take a look at the free poster preview below and learn how to download it for your child.

Minibeast Spotting Poster (Preview):

Preview showing the free minibeasts poster (click to download the high resolution version in Acrobat PDF format)

How to Download the Free Minibeasts Poster

The poster is supplied as a 3MB downloadable file, in PDF format. That means you’ll need Acrobat Reader on your device to view and open it. Most devices will already have that installed but, if not, don’t worry — Acrobat Reader is also available for free, here. To download the poster itself, simply click the preview image above, or download the free poster via this link. Whether left-clicking or right-clicking is best will depend upon your device’s settings so, if in doubt, try either to see which one prompts you to save the file. Once saved, it can be opened, viewed, and printed out from Acrobat Reader. Print at A3 in high quality on your best printer paper for best results, or ‘scale to fit’ to fit your paper if it’s A4. You/your child can also view the poster on screen, for example on a tablet, smartphone or desktop screen, and zoom in for all the lovely detail.

The UK is home to approximately 25,000 different kinds of minibeast! Many are sadly in steep decline1, so it’s important to raise awareness and encourage interest, including in the very young.

1. According to the State of Nature report for 2023, “Invertebrates such as insects, spiders and millipedes have been found, on average, in 13% fewer places now than in 1970.”

Tips for Spotting Minibeasts

Minibeasts can be lurking almost anywhere outdoors, so children can search and find them virtually wherever they live. Below are a few of the most popular places minibeasts are likely to be found:

  • On and around the leaves of plants (after all, those are home to many critters);
  • On and in flowers, because they’re attracted to the nectar, which is a food source for many;
  • Under rocks, stones, flower pots and suchlike, which may be their home (N.B. be gentle when lifting and replacing such things, so the creatures are not hurt);
  • On and in growing fruit and vegetables, which may be a food source for them;
  • Around the base of plants, grass and lawns, where they may be sheltering from predators;
  • On or under soil, which may be their home;
  • On and in rotting logs and fallen branches;
  • And finally — the best place of all for some minibeasts — in compost heaps! They love the rotting organic matter but, again, take care not to hurt them by being gentle and disturbing their habitat as little as possible.

Enjoy, Be Safe & Be Gentle!

Spending time out in nature and searching for its creatures is great fun, but great care needs to be taken:

  • For the sake of child safety and well-being, children should always be accompanied by a supervising adult — particularly for the very young.
  • Adults should also teach children how to be vigilant about the potential dangers and hazards associated with the outdoors.
  • Adults should teach children about gentleness and empathy around other creatures, however small. Minibeasts are fragile and powerless against the comparative might of humans, but each is an individual in their own right. It’s therefore kind to teach children about compassion for other beings and the need to treat them with huge care and empathy.

Why This Activity is More Important Than You Might Think

Lastly, though, have fun and take time to ensure children learn about nature and all its flora and fauna. Nature teaches children so much about the world and indeed, spending time in the natural world also teaches children about themselves and their place in the world. It may even lead to a lifelong passion for nature and an interest in issues like ecology, global warming, restoring habitat loss and protecting creatures in danger of extinction. Don’t forget that our children will one day become the new stewards of our planet. And, when you bear in mind how important pollinators are for food production and how many of them are in steep decline, a deep interest in the natural world has never been more important.

“When the first #StateofNature report was released in 2013, 1 in 10 of our species were threatened with extinction. Today, it is 1 in 6 species. Rapid nature loss is happening NOW, all around us.” (Wildlife Trust)

Children Love Nature at Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham!

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

Our childcare professionals know just how important nature and outdoor play is to children, so we ensure they have plenty of opportunities to experience both at Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham. It’s also why we will ensure we publish articles and guides relating to outdoor play and nature here on the Little Acorns blog. Indeed, it’s a treasure trove of useful information, on a wide variety of topics, for parents of babies, toddlers and under-fives!

If you require the highest quality weekday childcare and an outstanding early years education for your little one, why not consider Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham, Lancashire? The setting offers a warm, inviting and nurturing home-from-home for babies, toddlers and preschoolers and really brings out the best in every child. What’s more, we support all the Government’s childcare funding schemes for eligible families. These include, for example, free childcare hours for 2-year-olds and up to 30 free hours per week for 3 and 4-year-olds.

To register your child for a nursery/preschool place, book a guided tour, or find out more, please get in touch using one of the following options:

As well as being located in Padiham, Lancashire (BB12), Little Acorns Nursery may also suit those living or working nearby in Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.


Free Childcare Through Universal Credit (Rough Guide)

Free Childcare Through Universal Credit (Rough Guide)

In today’s post, the third in our series of guides about Government childcare funding schemes, we look at free childcare funding available through Universal Credit. This is particularly timely because the scheme becomes significantly more generous from the 28th of June 2023, so eligible families will start benefitting just as today’s guide goes live. The changes come into effect following commitments made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his Spring Budget back in March. They make childcare funding through Universal Credit more generous and easier to fund. We will explain what we mean by that, as well as outline the facts, figures and eligibility requirements for the scheme, in our guide to Free Childcare Through Universal Credit below.

How Much Free Childcare Can You Get Through Universal Credit?

If you are eligible for free childcare through Universal Credit, here’s what you can claim from 28th June 2023:

  • The maximum families can claim through Universal Credit Childcare Support is 85% of eligible childcare costs, up to the maximums outlined below.
  • You can get up to £951 in free childcare each month for one child.
  • You can receive up to £1,630 in free childcare each month for two or more children.
  • That’s an increase of almost 50% from the previous maximums before late June 2023.
  • The maximums outlined above will increase in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) annually until 2027/28 according to the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP).
  • You may also be able to claim for childcare costs during your child’s nursery settling-in period or for childcare while you travel to work if they’re deemed by DWP to be ‘reasonable’ in helping you to get back into work.
  • Another major improvement is that the funding through this scheme may be partly pre-funded by the Government in some circumstances, rather than families having to find the significant sums, and then claim them back retrospectively. We’ll explain more about that later in this guide.

N.B. If you already have some of your childcare fees paid by your employer through childcare vouchers, you can only claim the balance of childcare fees that you are responsible for funding — not the part already covered by the vouchers. Similarly, if you already have some of your childcare fees covered through free childcare hours for 2-year-olds or free childcare hours for 3- and 4-year-olds, you can only claim for any additional hours, if eligible, that you would otherwise have to pay.

Why is the Government Helping in This Way?

“These changes will help thousands of parents progress their career without compromising the quality of the care that their children receive.” — Mel Stride, Secretary of State for Work & Pensions.

The free childcare funding through Universal Credit is aimed at helping low-income families and those wishing to either return to work or significantly extend existing working hours. This will help children, parents/caregivers — especially women — and will also boost the economy as more people move back into work. The Government is also aware that there are huge benefits associated with a good early years education, particularly when it’s started young. Those benefits extend to a huge range of things including the children’s life outcomes, improved careers, increased earning potential and multiple benefits to society in general. Follow the bold link for more details.

“By helping more parents to re-enter and progress in work, we will be able to cut inactivity and help grow the economy.” — Mel Stride, Secretary of State for Work & Pensions.

Are You Eligible for Free Childcare through Universal Credit?

As mentioned above, the changes to childcare support through Universal Credit are designed specifically to help low-income families, those wishing to return to work, or people wishing to extend existing hours. With that in mind, the eligibility requirements for childcare funding through Universal Credit are as follows:

  • Firstly families must, of course, be claiming Universal Credit in order to access the childcare element of it. You can learn more about who is eligible for Universal Credit here. Generally speaking, though, Universal Credit is mostly intended for UK people aged over 18 but below State Pension age who are on low incomes, need help with living costs, and have savings/investments of no more than £16k. Your partner’s circumstances, if you live with them, may affect your eligibility for Universal Credit. There are other exceptions and caveats, too, so follow the bold link above for more information about eligibility for Universal Credit itself.
  • With regard to support for childcare funding available through Universal Credit, you and your partner, if you have one, need to be working in a paid job — or have received and accepted a job offer for paid work starting within the next month. That’s with the exception of those unable to work through disability, bad health, or temporary absence from the household e.g. through hospitalisation or going into residential care. Your child may also still be eligible if your partner has to care for a severely disabled person for whom they are eligible to receive Carer’s Allowance.
  • You must live in the UK and the child(ren) for whom you are claiming childcare costs needs to be dependent upon you.
  • You usually need to be over 18, although there are some circumstances where those aged 16 or 17 may be able to claim.
  • You can claim against childcare costs for dependent child(ren) until the August following their 16th birthday.
  • The childcare provider may be a nursery, preschool, childminder, nanny, or even a breakfast, after-school or holiday club — so long as they’re properly registered in the UK. Generally, that means that they need to be registered with Ofsted if the childcare is in England, or their equivalent if it’s in Scotland or Wales. You’ll need to provide their registration number when applying for the childcare funding.
  • If your circumstances change, it could affect your eligibility — potentially for both Universal Credit itself and the Childcare Support element of it. So, confirm straight away if, for example, you, or your partner if you have one, earn more than originally stated, lose your job, or stop work for some other reason.

Can You Get Childcare Costs Paid Upfront?

There are some circumstances where you can get childcare costs paid upfront through the scheme.Usually, you will need to pay for childcare costs first and then reclaim them through your Universal Credit childcare support account. However, there are some circumstances where you may be able to get some of your childcare costs paid upfront through the scheme. This recent change is designed to help families essentially with cash flow so that a major barrier to working is removed. That, in turn, will also help the economy.

Funding for childcare upfront may be possible in the following circumstances:

  • When parents are starting new paid work.
  • In the month preceding the start of the new job.
  • In the month after the end of employment, to help continue childcare when switching between jobs.
  • When parents are significantly increasing their working hours, for example when moving from part-time to full-time employment.

If any of the above scenarios apply, families can speak to their work coach (available through their Universal Credit account) about something called a Flexible Support Fund. If not eligible for that, another potential option is a Budgeting Advance although the latter needs to be repaid.

N.B. Be mindful of keeping the Department for Work and Pensions (‘DWP’) informed in a timely manner in all cases, otherwise you could miss out.

How to Apply for Universal Credit Childcare Support

To apply for Universal Credit payments, create a Universal Credit account here or sign into your account here if you already have one. If you live with a partner, they will also need to have an account and the two must be linked together before you will be able to claim.

N.B. Before applying for the first time, ensure you first read about checks and other useful information you should be aware of here. The telephone number for the Universal Credit Helpline at 0800 328 5644 may also be useful to note.

Once accepted into the scheme, you will need to regularly report and provide evidence of your childcare costs through your account. Remember to claim quickly too otherwise, if you leave claims longer than 2 months, they may not be reimbursed.

More Information

Additional guidance on childcare costs through Universal Credit is available here.

Already Claiming for Childcare Costs through Another Scheme?

You can’t claim through the Tax-Free Childcare Scheme if you are claiming for childcare through Universal Credit. However, you can check which other schemes you may be able to claim in tandem here.

More Improvements to Childcare Funding are Coming Soon

Substantial additional improvements to childcare funding are also in the pipeline following the Spring Budget 2023 announcements. However, we’ll cover those alternative schemes separately here in due course. Just to whet your appetite, though, they include plans to gradually extend free childcare support to eligible children aged from just 9 months from September 2024. So, watch this space!

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool, Padiham, Lancashire

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End. At Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham, we support all the Government childcare funding schemes for eligible families. We offer babies, infants, toddlers and preschoolers the very best start in life, the highest quality childcare and an unbeatable early years education. This combination will bring out the best in them and ensure they absolutely thrive from the moment they begin school around the age of five. To get started on applying for a nursery/preschool place, to arrange a free guided tour or simply to get in touch to ask a question, please select a button below:

Apply for a Place Book a Tour Message Us 01282 680 822

Little Acorns Nursery and Preschool is located in Padiham, Lancashire. We’re also close to Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham, and Wood End, so may also suit families requiring childcare near those locations.

Free Childcare for 2-Year-Olds in England (a Quick Guide for Parents)

Today we explain the Government’s free childcare funding scheme for eligible 2-year-olds. While it’s not as universally available as the childcare funding scheme for 3- and 4-year-olds, there are still a significant number of children who will be able to benefit from this scheme for children aged two. And, by starting their early years education no later than this specific age, children are known to boost personal bests, social skills, cognitive development and even life outcomes — in many profound ways. (More information on the benefits of starting an early years education early is available here). What’s more, this particular funding is aimed at 2-year-olds that are disadvantaged in some way, so it can help to level up the playing field for them.

So, how does the scheme work, which 2-year-olds are eligible for the free funding and how do families access it? In today’s guide to Free Childcare for 2-Year-Olds in England, we explain everything you need to know and answer all such questions.

What Childcare Funding Can Eligible 2-Year-Olds Get?

Eligible 2-year-olds can get a total of 570 free childcare hours during the course of a year.Eligible 2-year-olds can get a total of 570 free childcare hours during the course of a year. The entitlement is usually taken as 15 hours per week over 38 ‘term time’ weeks. However, families may wish to ask childcare providers if they can use the hours in a different way. For example, some may wish to stretch the hours out over 50 or so weeks of the year, in which case it would equate to approximately 11½ free hours per week. The nursery or childcare provider would need to confirm what’s possible. Any extra hours will need to be paid for by the family and the same is usually true for things like nappies, special trips and meals. Even so, 570 free childcare hours should really help families and may allow a stay-at-home parent to get back into the workplace sooner, even if only part-time.

How is the Childcare Funding Accessed?

The funding is paid directly to the childcare setting, which must be an officially-registered provider and one that’s signed up to offer such free places. They must also be recognised by Ofsted as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’. Nurseries, preschools, accredited childminders, Sure Start Children’s Centres and even some playgroups may be able to access the funding if they fit all the appropriate criteria. Contact your childcare provider about free childcare funding for your 2-year-old when you apply for a nursery place. If you are applying to Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham, you can apply for a place here. Your child can access the free childcare funding in the term that follows their 2nd birthday. Terms start in September, January and April.

Eligibility for 2-year-old Childcare Funding

There are essentially three routes to eligibility for the free childcare funding:

  1. If the parent/household is receiving one or more specific Government benefits, and/or…
  2. If the child is disadvantaged in one or more specific ways, and/or…
  3. If you are a non-UK citizen in England, cannot claim benefits and have a household income below a certain threshold. We’ll take a more detailed look at the criteria below.

1. Eligibility Criteria for Parents/Households

2-year-olds living in England may be eligible if their parents/household are in receipt of one or more specific Government benefits.Children aged two that live in England may be eligible if their parents/household are in receipt of one or more specific Government benefits. These include:

  • JSA (Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance), which is an unemployment benefit that’s available while looking for work.
  • Income-related ESA (Employment and Support Allowance), which people may be claiming if they have a reduced ability to work e.g. through disability or sickness.
  • Income Support, which is a financial benefit aimed at those on low or non-existent incomes.
  • Universal Credit with a maximum annual household income no greater than £15,400 after tax (excludes benefits). This is a benefit that helps people with living costs if they are on low incomes or out of work.
  • The guaranteed part of Pension Credit, which may be available to help with living costs if you’re above State Pension age and have a low income.
  • Working Tax Credit* and/or Child Tax Credit with an annual, before-tax, household income no greater than £16,190. These also help people on low incomes.

* Includes those claiming for the 4-week run-on payment that occurs when qualifying for Working Tax Credits ceases.

2. Eligibility Criteria for Disadvantaged Children

Disadvantaged or disabled 2-year-olds may be eligible for the free childcare hours.If none of the benefit-related criteria above applies, children aged 2 may still qualify for the childcare funding scheme in the following circumstances:

  • They receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA);
  • They are subject to an EHC (Education, Health & Care) plan;
  • A local authority looks after them;
  • They have left care but are subject to a Child Arrangements Order, Special Guardianship Order, or Adoption Order.

3. Eligibility Criteria for non-UK Citizens Not Claiming Benefits

Some 2-year-olds living in England who are non-UK citizens may be able to claim for free childcare if their households cannot claim benefits and household income is below a certain threshold.The last category of eligible claimants is some 2-year-olds living in England who are non-UK citizens, whose households cannot claim benefits and whose household income is below a certain threshold. Thresholds vary from £26,500 to £38,600 depending on how many children the family has and whether they live inside or outside of London.

  • For those living in London, household income must be no more than £34,500 if you have one child or £38,600 if you have more.
  • For those living outside London, household income must be no more than £26,500 if you have one child or £30,600 if you have more than one.
  • Savings or investments must total no more than £16k in each case.

Your local council can give you more information.

Changes Coming to Childcare Funding for 2-Year-Olds

In March 2023, the Chancellor of the Exchequer unveiled plans for childcare funding reforms in his Spring Budget. These include an expansion of the ‘free hours’ to around 285,000 more 2-year-olds from April 2024 and to around 640,000 children aged from just 9 months from September 2024. We’ll write a separate article here about the pending changes in the near future. In the meantime, you can read our sister nursery’s guide to the coming childcare funding reforms here.

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool, Padiham

The Best Start for Your Baby, Toddler, or Preschooler in Padiham, Lancashire

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

Little Acorns is a nursery and preschool that offers the highest quality weekday childcare for babies and children under five. As well as offering them a home-from-home environment where they are loved and nurtured, we give every child a wonderful early years education. Our childcare professionals, equipment, facilities and curriculum will bring out the best in every child and give them the tools to thrive and be successful. If you would like to register for a childcare place, arrange a visit with your child, or discuss questions you may have, please simply get in touch and we’ll be happy to help:

Apply for a Place Book a Tour Message Us 01282 680 822

Little Acorns Nursery is located in Padiham, Lancashire (BB12).  As well as being convenient to families in Padiham, we may also suit those looking for a high-quality nursery or preschool in Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham, or Wood End.

Information is understood to be correct at the time of writing (April 2023). Please check here for the latest information.

Follow Little Acorns Nursery, Padiham, on Social Media

If you’re a parent of a child under five, consider following Little Acorns Nursery on our social media channels and here on our blog. As well as showcasing some of the activities and events at our Padiham nursery, we’ll also publicise useful and informative guides, articles and advice about parenting, early years learning and development, and everything to do with childcare. For example, we may publish guides explaining eligibility rules for the various Government-funded schemes for free childcare, or discuss the findings of important studies into the education of under-fives. We may show images from trips the children have been on, or highlight a fun and educational activity that children under five can take part in at home. These are just a few examples, so do follow us if you’d like to be kept better informed.

Follow Our Journal

Follow our blog for latest news, information and updates about childcare, parenting, and early years learning and development.This is what we call our blog (short for ‘web log’) where we regularly publish guides and useful information for parents of children under five. The main blog page can be found here and parents can take a look at the article list and pick out any that they find interesting. They’re all carefully researched and professionally written. Articles include a series of guides and useful information for parents, covering topics like childcare funding schemes, activity ideas, health and wellbeing of babies and children under five, a Hygge explainer, and much more. We add new articles every month and will also include key happenings at the nursery. So, do bookmark this page in your browser if you’d like to keep up to date.

Follow Us on Twitter

Follow Little Acorns Nursery (@NurseryPadiham) on Twitter.We’re @NurseryPadiham on Twitter, so you can follow us at https://twitter.com/NurseryPadiham/

• On Twitter, we’ll tweet images and links to our useful guides for parents and interesting information about early years education, parenting, childcare funding, and much more.
• We’ll include tweets and retweets of other useful information from third parties too. For example, tweets may be about learning and development, books/reading, nature, wildlife, early play, outdoor play, the well-being and health of children, creativity, activities for kids, sport, food, literacy, numeracy, and basically anything to do with childcare or raising a child under five.

Follow Our Facebook Channel

Follow Little Acorns Nursery Padiham (@TotsNursery) on Facebook.We’re @TotsNursery on Facebook (because we took over the Adventure Tots childcare business), so you can follow us at https://www.facebook.com/totsnursery/

Our Facebook profile is jam-packed with updates and includes:

• Information about the nursery — all about us, opening times, etc;
• Facebook ratings — currently we have the highest possible 5-star rating after reviews from tens of people;
• Newsletters from the nursery, as they’re published;
• Photos and videos from the nursery;
• Useful information, guides, and links to the in-depth posts from our main blog;
• Latest updates from what’s been going on at the nursery — events, outings, and initiatives, etc;
• Comments from parents;
• Occasional competitions;
• Posts and re-posts of useful and interesting Facebook posts that we think might interest our parents/families. For example, activity ideas, games, learning and development insights, play ideas, wildlife information for families and children, etc.

Follow Us on Instagram

Follow Little Acorns Nursery Padiham (@LittleAcornsNurseryBB12) on InstagramWe’re @LittleAcornsNurseryBB12 on Instagram, so you can follow us at https://www.instagram.com/littleacornsnurserybb12/

At time of writing, our Instagram profile is pretty new, but we’ll soon be adding pictorial content including:

• Great images showing activities at the nursery/pre-school in Padiham;
• Photos of outings, outdoor play, etc;
• Photos of creative play at the nursery;
• Photos of events involving our under-fives;
• Images with links to highly interesting and useful articles and guides published for parents of under-fives on our main blog.

Follow Our Pinterest Pins

Follow Little Acorns Nursery Padiham (@LittleAcornsNurseryBB12) on Pinterest.We’re also @LittleAcornsNurseryBB12 on Pinterest, so you can follow our pins and boards at https://www.pinterest.co.uk/LittleAcornsNurseryBB12/

We love Pinterest and feel it’s very underrated! Follow us on Pinterest for:

• Interesting photos, images, and videos, particularly for parents of under-fives.
• We also re-pin useful and interesting images and ideas from others who have pinned about early years play, activity ideas, learning and development, etc.
• Our own “title image pins” with links to our highly useful blog posts, articles and guides for parents, information about early years education, parenting, and more.

On our Pinterest channel, pinboards have been created for the following topics: Preschool, Nursery School Activities, Little Acorns Nursery Padiham itself, Early Years, Sensory Activities for Under 5s, Early Years Parenting, and Nature Activities for Under-Fives. We may add more and we’ll be adding more and more ‘pins’ to each category as time goes by.

Find us on Google

Little Acorns Nursery Padiham is also on Google Business.We appreciate that, if you’re reading this, you’ve already found us. However, if you ever need to find us again and aren’t sure where to look, we’re also on Google. Our Google business profile is here. It shows:

• Our reviews (we have a full 5-Star rating at the time of publishing this article);
• Our business details including address, opening/closing times, contact details, etc;
• Photos from the nursery and as uploaded by the public;
• An outside interactive street view;
• Links to the latest blog posts from the nursery;
• A map and directions — particularly useful if you’re visiting or working out distances and travel to/from the nursery.

Review Little Acorns Nursery, Padiham

Review Little Acorns Nursery Padiham on Google or Facebook.If you’re a parent of a current child at Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham, why not write us a review? You can review us on Google (here) and review us on Facebook (here). Many thanks if so. Or, if you have any comments, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Little Acorns: a Nursery & Pre-School for Children Under 5 in Padiham

The highest quality childcare in Padiham, Lancashire

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

At Little Acorns Nursery, we give babies, toddlers, and children under 5 the very best start in life. We are a nursery and pre-school in Padiham that offers weekday childcare and a complete early years education. We’re also conveniently close for those living or working nearby in Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham, or Wood End. Government-funded childcare places are all supported for eligible families, so do get in touch if you’d like to register your child for a childcare place, to arrange a guided tour, or ask any questions. We’re here to help.

Apply for a Place Book a Tour Message Us 01282 680 822
Little Acorns Nursery Receives a Message from King Charles III

Little Acorns Nursery Receives a Message from King Charles III

Following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in September, children at Little Acorns Nursery, Padiham, began to create their own pictures showcasing their interpretation of her as their monarch. The result was a beautiful collection of images that were at times quirky and always charming, creative and unique. Many were also rather touching, given the subject matter and circumstances. So much so, in fact, that once complete, staff at Little Acorns decided to send them, on behalf of the children, to the Royal Family. So, off they went, packaged up with a covering note passing on sincere condolences to the Royal Family from both staff and children at the nursery.

A Message from the King

To our surprise and delight, we received correspondence featuring a postmark from Buckingham Palace and a Royal crest!Then, in early February, to our surprise and absolute delight, we received correspondence notably featuring a postmark from Buckingham Palace and a Royal crest. It was addressed to the children and staff at Little Acorns Nursery, Padiham. Inside was a beautiful and heartfelt reply card and message, sent by none other than King Charles himself!

As with the envelope, the front of the card featured King Charles’s Royal Cypher. That is a type of crest with the King’s initial ‘C’ intertwined with the letter ‘R’ (short for ‘Rex’, which is Latin for ‘King’) and ‘III’ because, of course, he is King Charles III. The cypher also integrates the symbol of the King’s Royal Crown.

Inside, there is a wonderful vintage-style photograph of King Charles as a young boy with his mother, then the young Queen. Both can be seen smiling happily and it’s a very poignant photograph given the circumstances. Facing that was an incredibly touching message, signed at the bottom by King Charles himself:

“It was so very kind of you to send me such a wonderfully generous message following the death of my beloved mother. Your most thoughtful words are enormously comforting, and I cannot tell you how deeply they are appreciated at this time of immense sorrow.” (Signed: Charles R)

The main image above shows the details described.

Staff posted on social media: “Receiving the card and sharing it with the children was a very special time for us” and comments received on the post included, “This is just so lovely and such a touching letter from the King. Something to treasure” and “…have you seen this? I cried when I read it this morning.” So, it has been very touching indeed.

It’s not every day that one receives a message from a monarch, so this wonderful surprise and message really made February incredibly special for our children and staff. A huge ‘well done’ to all the children who created such lovely images and to the staff of Little Acorns Nursery for taking the extra step of sending them to the His Royal Highness the King and the Royal Family. It’s also good to think that the children’s adorable images may have been of some solace to the King in his time of sorrow.

About That Children’s Book

“Where's Mrs Queen?”, book by Ingela P Arrhenius.The eagle-eyed will notice that the little photo above also shows one of the nursery children’s most popular books, “Where’s Mrs Queen?” by Ingela P Arrhenius. Part of a series, this ‘early years’ book features charming illustrations and interactive felt flaps inside. The children can use these to reveal London-themed characters like a policeman, a bus driver, a soldier and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II herself (and a corgi dog, of course). The final page even integrates a surprise mirror, so the children can reveal their own faces — much to their delight and amusement! It’s a simple but fun, interactive and, importantly, sensory book for the little ones to discover and explore.

Nursery & Pre-School Places at Little Acorns, Padiham, in Lancashire

Are you looking for high quality childcare in/near Padiham, Lancashire?

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

Little Acorns is a nursery and pre-school offering the highest quality childcare in Padiham, Lancashire. We may also suit families who either live or work nearby, for example in Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham or Wood End. We support Government-funded childcare places for families who are eligible for the relevant funding schemes, which will help to make childcare more affordable to many. Are you potentially interested in a childcare place for your baby, toddler or child under five at Little Acorns Nursery? If so, please register them for a place, get in touch to ask any questions, or request a guided tour of the nursery with your child. We’ll be happy to help. Please select an appropriate button below:

Apply for a Place Book a Tour Message Us 01282 680 822
The Benefits of Nursery & Pre-School to Under-5s

The Benefits of Nursery & Pre-School to Under-5s

A good nursery or pre-school is so much more than just a crèche, playgroup, kindergarten or childminding service.A good nursery or pre-school is so much more than just a crèche, playgroup, kindergarten or childminding service. A nursery like ours encompasses all those things but, in addition, will enrich a child’s life in a myriad of profound and positive ways. In essence, it will give them the opportunity to become the very best version of themselves, with all the tools to absolutely thrive as they move forwards to school and even later into adulthood. Today, we take a look at just a few of the many benefits of sending a child to nursery or pre-school and how it sets optimised foundations for them and their place in the world, even impacting them positively into adulthood.

A Complete Early Years Education

As well as being somewhere that will look after children and keep them safe while parents perhaps work, a good nursery or pre-school will give children a complete early years education.

A Good Early Years Education Through the EYFS

Children's learning is achieved through the application of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.Nurseries like Little Acorns in Padiham provide a dynamic environment where children mostly learn through different types of play and pre-planned, carefully structured activities. Much of their learning is achieved through the application of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. Part of that is a wide curriculum covering all the key areas of importance for children’s learning and development in their early years. As well as giving children under five a diverse knowledge of different topics and an understanding of the world around them, the EYFS curriculum will also help them to use their imaginations, stimulate creativity, boost literacy, master early years mathematics and numeracy — and a whole lot more.

A Tailored Plan for Individual Children

Another reason why our curriculum is good for children under five is that it focuses on the individual needs and interests of each child. We recognise that every child is unique and has their own strengths, abilities, and needs. The resulting approach is therefore for early years practitioners to plan activities and experiences that are tailored to the individual child. It is in this way that each child achieves personal bests in every area of their learning and development. This is why, in our introduction, we referred to children becoming the very best version of themselves at nurseries and pre-schools like Little Acorns Nursery in Padiham.

Enhanced Cognitive Development

A good nursery or pre-school provides children with a wide and well-planned range of activities and experiences that also support their cognitive development. As well as learning comprehensively, this approach helps children to develop important skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

A Huge Boost to Children’s Personal Development

A good early years childcare provider like Little Acorns will also nurture every aspect of children's learning and development.A good early years childcare provider like Little Acorns will also nurture every aspect of children’s personal development. Research suggests that starting childcare and a good early years education at a young age can have significant positive effects on children’s development.

Greater Independence

Nurseries and pre-schools help children to become more independent, encouraging them to make decisions, explore their environment, and try new things. Greater independence will serve them well once they’re ready to move on to primary school and beyond. Independence also helps children to develop confidence, a greater sense of self-esteem and a greater propensity to enjoy the activity of learning itself.

Enhanced Social Skills

The social skills learned while at nursery or pre-school will be invaluable when children are older.Spending time at nursery and pre-school provides children with countless opportunities to interact with peers and to learn to socialise with others. Through doing so, they’ll develop their social skills generally, including things like learning good manners, needing to sometimes share or take turns, learning about mutual respect, and following rules.

Boosted Physical Development

Children naturally engage in more physical activities at nursery/pre-school than they might at home; for example running, skipping, hopping, jumping, climbing and fast-paced ball games with friends. Through doing so, they’ll develop their gross motor skills and improve upon balance, coordination, fitness and strength.

Natural Language Development

Early years settings like Little Acorns represent a rich language environment for children. With all the adults and other children all using a range of language and vocabulary around them, children will naturally pick up language skills and improve communication and understanding.

Nurturing of Emotional Development

Nurseries and pre-schools provide a safe and nurturing environment, enabling children to learn to express feelings and emotions more readily. This helps to support children’s emotional development, including a deeper understanding of their own feelings as well as those of others, along with better self-awareness, self-regulation, and resilience.

Support for Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Good nurseries and pre-schools like Little Acorns support children of all abilities.Good nurseries and pre-schools like Little Acorns welcome and support children of all abilities. As part of this and whenever possible, they will create an inclusive environment for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). They’ll support them in every way they can including, where possible, provision of special equipment, adapting the environment to make it more accessible, and obtaining additional funding for extra resources. They’ll even work with outside professionals, where appropriate, to develop the best ‘joined-up’ plan to support children. The result is a positive and responsive culture where children feel comfortable and valued, irrespective of ability or disability.

Preparedness for School

Nurseries & Pre-schools help children to develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive once they start school.All of the above will really help children to develop the skills and confidence they need to absolutely thrive once they start at primary school. As well as being more able and literate from the moment they start, they’ll more easily be able to follow routines, listen to instructions, and work independently. They’ll absolutely hit the ground running with the existing knowledge, tools and abilities that they learned during their all-important early years. Indeed, those children who receive a high quality early years education have been shown to attain higher grades in their GCSEs and can be the equivalent of a year ahead by the time they reach the age of 15.

Better Overall Outcomes for Children

The high quality childcare that a child receives at nursery and/or pre-school also plays a vital role in determining their life outcomes. For example, studies have found that children who started attending a high-quality childcare nursery/pre-school before the age of 2 had better cognitive, language, social and emotional development than children who began the programme at a later age or did not attend childcare at all. Similarly, other research suggests that starting childcare before age 3 is associated with higher academic achievement and fewer behavioural problems in the long term. Those beginning early are statistically more likely to go on to attend higher education courses and even to earn more during their adult lives. That’s amazing when you think about it.

All in all, attending a high quality nursery and/or pre-school provides a complete, holistic approach children’s learning, development and — incredibly — to their long-term success. It also, of course, provides crucial and practical support for parents, especially those who are returning to work or who need to balance work and parenting responsibilities. There are many additional benefits not mentioned, though, as we’ve barely scratched the surface (we haven’t even mentioned the benefits to society, for example — and there are many). Nevertheless, we hope that this information today has been of interest and gives those who are considering early years childcare some much-needed facts to bear in mind when making a decision for their child.

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School: High Quality Childcare in Padiham, Lancashire

Little Acorns Nursery & Pre-School is in Padiham, Lancashire, near Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End.

Little Acorns Nursery and pre-school is located in Padiham, Lancashire and is also conveniently near to those in Hapton, Rose Grove, Burnley, Altham, Huncoat, Read, Simonstone, Sabden, Higham and Wood End. All Government childcare funding schemes are supported too, making it affordable to a wide range of families. If you are interested in a place for your child at Little Acorns Nursery, please get in touch, or ask any questions using a button below:

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